Somewhere below I mentioned having a cough since the Nixon Administration... maybe the Clinton Administration... anyway motherfuckers you get the point. I have a cough and have had it forfugginEVER
So I bought two bottles of Robitussin, LARGE bottles... and since I am almost superhuman, I need more then one of those chimpfuck capfulls they recommend.
So I guzzled one of those bottles in one shot. Three swallows, do not pass go; do not collect $100
And I'm at work right now, by the way.
And now I am drunk on Robitussen. Wasted. Hammered. COCKED.
At work.
This may have been a critical mistake. But THE GODDAMN COUGH IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!
You nice folks set the standards for comments... so the more you comment the more I'm guilted into posting.
American Heartbreaker. That's me. Booya.
Man, I am wrecked. Happy Easter, all! Or, as the Jews call it: Happy "How were we supposed to know!?!?" Day